Thursday, March 20, 2014

Three To Get Ready!

have an expression that I coined (yes, I have a lot of them!) but this one fits our last few days...
"Smart skims the surface...but genius goes deep"
You can use that one freely...just give me quotation credit!
Notice I say that smart people skim the surface.
If you are successful in sales you are smart!  If you are able to meet your financial obligations by "the sweat of your brow" then you are already above
Smart comes from attention, study and experience.  Some of it text book...some comes from the school of hard knocks...anybody feel me?
Genius comes from enlightenment.  A revelation.  An inspired thought that takes everything you have experienced and "elevates" it to a higher level. 
It shows you a new and better way...genius!
Smart people earn good livings, but geniuses get rich!
Now I have your attention...right?
Now that we are focused on the metrics of sales and marketing what if you could get a little better in a few categories...
What if you could become a sales and marketing genius...on your level?
How would that change your business?
Imagine, if you closed one more sale in our scenario, you would generate THREE SALES...
How would that impact your results?...let's take a look (improvements in black - for profit!!!);
Cost of Direct Mail
Acquisition Costs
# of pieces
Response Rate

Response Rate (RR)

Tweaked the income metrics for target audience a little higher
Number of leads
Cost per lead
400/11 =
$36.36 CPL
Appointment Rate
Lead to Appt
Conversion Rate
Did a better job selling appt and not trying to "sell over the phone"
# of Appointments
Cost per Opportunity
400/7 =
$57.14 CPO
Closing Rate
Conversion Rate
Did pre-call planning for each client rather than "wing it" at kitchen table
# of Sales

Closed Won
Cost Per Sale
400/3 =
$133.33 CPS
Gross Revenue$1,200
Gross Revenue before costs and expenses deducted
# of Sales x Commission 
3 sales x $400 =
$1,200 GR

Operating Revenue
Revenue generated - Cost of Acquisition
$1,200 - $400 =
$800 OP
Return On Investment$800 or 200%Return On Investment
Acquisition Cost/Operating Revenue
200% ROI
All it took was THREE TO GET READY...
That would make you TWICE as PROFITABLE!!!
Excited about the possibilities...want more...?
You guessed it...let's get FOUR TO GO!...
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

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