Saturday, February 1, 2014

Need More Sales...Demand Them!

If you are currently struggling to meet quotas or simple not selling enough to reach your goals, understand that your need will not automatically create supply. If only it were that easy. Need does not create supply...DEMAND does! Need without effort requires a handout.

"Where are the leads?" "I need an easy lay down sale!" 

I have constantly heard these cries from sales people that have needs but are not willing to demand of themselves a higher level of performance. There is a progression that seems odd until you put it to the test;

Need more sales...demand them!  Here is the process for making that demand;
Give Thanks.  Gratitude will open your heart and mind to giving.  Giving is the catalyst to receiving and receiving is the fluid process that builds wealth.  As it relates to financial success, affluence and currency both have meanings to connote "to flow with power".  Recognize that the process of obtaining wealth and success (in sales and otherwise) emanate from gratitude. Give thanks for your current opportunity, do not complain and grovel at the water cooler. 

"You can not get a blessing from something you are cursing" Brandon L Clay

Create Raving Fans - the few clients that you serve with high sincerity, integrity, and solutions (product) are the key to repeat business, referrals and job satisfaction (fulfillment). Start small and do all your crowd arrives, throw everything you have at it...hold back nothing!  Give great service to all who will receive you...expect abundance in proportion to that service.

Be at peace.  Peace is the real key to performance. Peace combined with Power equals Poise. Power comes from confidence in your ability gained through knowledge and experience. What if you don't have the ability yet? Then confidence you need should come from your belief that everything will be ok...that God will take care of you. Do you believe that?  Possess your soul in peace!

Renew your faith.  Renewed means that faith is there but needs restoration, revival, and resurrection. Have you ever been successful? Then your past triumph (likely based on overcoming the odds) is a basis for belief - you did it once, you can do it again! Is someone else doing what you want to do? If

it is possible for is for you...have faith in that truth!

These four components put you in the position to make demands.  Demands reach into the hand of universal supply and brings you supply - clients. Don't wait for something to happen
(handout)...Make It Happen!

Get busy- go small before you go big. Let your desire (demand) create supply (clients).

Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Emotion Puts Dreams In Motion!

Why are you here? Yes, I ask that a lot!

For most of us, there is a yearning to be, to do and to have. The Creator beautifully engrafted us with these desires to compel us to service. In a loose interpretation, de sire means "from the Father", so what you want in life was placed within you at birth!

Along with the desire and the gifts of service to achieve them, we were also made with emotions to create compelling reasons to pursue. Emotion is what drives us to action (or inaction through fear) - whether it is the avoidance of pain or the pursuit of pleasure. As you begin to think of your goals, what intense sensations do you feel?

For a moment, think of the car you want. How would it feel to drive it? 

You have to visualize your success and emotionalize it to a level where it becomes not only compelling, but mandatory!
See yourself in that car...
Be seen in it. Shallow? Yes. Fun? Absolutely!
Go further - See yourself in the car with your spouse - happily married even! :)
Further - In great shape and healthy!
Even further - Going out to eat at a fine restaurant!
Even further still - Using a Platinum American Express - that you pay in full with ease each month!

Let's go all the way - From a successful week at sales!
Feels good...right?

"Why" emotions are a powerful tool to combat all the convenient truths of why you won't/don't take action. You have to create a BIG version and vision of your that uses as its core value the desire for higher meaning in life.

One that says, "I will enjoy my work and it rewards me with a complete and fulfilled life". BIG is not about whether you touch 100 people or 100, is about the nature of that impact and rendering the "highest and best use" of the gifts and talents you were put on earth to share.

Share your gifts without fear or reservation...they will make room for you! Proverbs 18:16

Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Getting Better!

I am often asked the question, "How do I get better at sales?'  While there is no one right answer, the first thing to review is where you are most "uncomfortable".  Deep down, you know where you are weakest - Consciously Incompetent.  If you are new to sales, or a seasoned sales veteran you should always seek improvement in critical areas of our profession.

I am a believer in StrenghFinders 2.0.  While I subscribe to the notion that you should increase in the area of strengths as a priority, there are basic skills that you need in sales that you can't "outsource".  If you don't have these skills then you will have a hard time in this profession. I don't believe that is you, so you need to evaluate areas of your improvable deficiency.  Once you have identified the key areas of challenges you will have to Get Better at them!

Self-Development.  While you are developing an area of weakness amplify your Sincerity and Integrity.  Why?  Under pressure to perform, to get a close, or to get ahead, it is very tempting to leave doing the "right thing, at the right time, for the right reason" at the door.

While you are in development these qualities of character will sustain you and give the right start. Even the best closer doesn't close 100%. I would rather have a 40% close rate with character, than 60% with malice. Choose to do right because it is right - no exceptions!

Invest in your development for success.  No one will care for your progress like you do (or should!). The company should provide a template for you to tie into, but it can't do everything for you. You should be willing to pay for, or cost-share with others the tools of improvement and success. "If you are not prepared to invest in your education for success, then you will never achieve any." There is no time like the present!

Know when to seek help - While sales is an "individual sport" we all need a coach, a mentor, or someone to offer just enough help to see us through to the next level.  You have to be coachable and teachable and realize that time is a precious commodity to those who would extend a helping hand.  Make sure you pay it forward when you receive valuable, life-changing knowledge.

Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sales People Needing People!

There are some that say relationship selling is dying.

Sure, in this world of technology, we can get reviews on products, download brochures, and order them...all without speaking to anyone. While there is a place for this, I don't believe you can negate the Power of Human Connection in sales. There is a vital component to shaking a hand, looking into someone's eyes, and hearing each others words fill the air...connecting on all levels.

How do you increase your Power of Human Connection?

Get to know the people around you. The places you frequent are filled with people who have unique stories and perspectives. The old Cheers line says, "You want to go where everybody knows your name". In order for that to happen you have to give your name, your story, and be open to listening to others. You will find that after a while, you will become "known" for who you are and what you do. You will also find others who can help you and are enthusiastically willing to do so. This is not for selfish purposes, but part of the human experience. As John Maxwell asserts "We should not network...we should connect".

Be memorable! The best way to make sure someone remembers your name is to remember theirs - the law of reciprocity is powerful. When you are meeting people for the first time, it is more important to make an impression - not to try to impress them. Make everyone you come into contact with not just feel important, but know they are important - from the mail clerk to the CEO. You never know who will be in a position to help you once connection is made! 

What would the people around you say about you? I have met many sales people who feel compelled to give their extensive resumes as "elevator speeches". Prudent self-promotion is necessary, but in sales, the highest compliment is to have your client brag about you to other prospective clients - referrals. If the people in your inner circle were introducing you to someone, what would they say? What about your clients? memorable, and make it all about them...they will say great things about you!

Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sales Fuel!

Since sales is a lifestyle and a way of life, then it will require all of you...mind, body and soul. It will be hard to give our best if any one of these three is lacking. Where I see neglect of the body, the mind is not sharp and the stamina required to put in the time is just not there. When the mind weakens, we reach for the "quick fixes" that destroy our health and well being. Our soul, which houses our will is weakened and rejection "feels" personal and we cant muster up enough juice to make one more phone call. We sabotage our success through our lack of focus and discipline on the two things we have great control over;

Fueling your body - "You can't work all day on an empty stomach." While a small point, it has huge ramifications. Sales people notoriously live on caffeine (Mountain Dew, Red Bulls and 5-Hour Energy), sugar (Snickers, Oreos, and M&M's), and fat, (fast food - generally eaten at the late night drive thru at Wendy's, Taco Bell and McDonalds). Forget the impact to your also negatively impacts your psychology. 

I understand that in our mile a minute lifestyle that eating right can be difficult. The meetings are all over the place and the client wants to meet and Cheesecake Factory! Even under the pressure of that environment (and I have been there!), you can still order a salmon salad with dressing on the side...and the client isn't making you each cheesecake...or are they? You have FULL control of what goes in your mouth! What changes can you make today to get healthier options in your hectic day?
Fueling your mind - Dreading the day ahead will compound the physical effects of poor nutrition. Mentally, to create attitude of success, you have to feed your mind a steady diet of "I can" and "I am". For a while you have to fight the demons that would work to defeat you (they never completely go away but they lose their vigor over time - promise!).

Most of these demons are self-induced imaginations - GET RID OF THEM NOW! Daily Sales Crumbs are a great way to jump start your day. Yes, a shameless plug, but inspiration is necessary to combat the "blahs" that can easily derail momentum and hard fought progress. 

Stay committed to keeping your body and mind sharp and energized. Your soul will thank you and you will feel great each day...and the results will begin to line up with your commitment to wellness and wholeness!

Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sales Is Life!

What is your meaning of work? Webster says it is "the labor, task, or duty that is one's accustomed means of livelihood". In most of our lives our work and thus its meaning is ever changing and evolving. As we enter in to new levels of opportunity (a new job or new career - like sales) it will be necessary to develop a new set of skills.
Most of us fall into sales. We didn't choose sales, but somehow find ourselves in it - "thrown to the wolves". There are only a few university programs that teach sales, but we can get a degree in marketing almost everywhere - MBA's are plentiful. Marketing is not sales and vice versa - though they are sometimes used interchangeably. No offense to my marketing buddies but they are great in the board room but not so great in the living room! Sales can be tough...particularly, when you are new to it or temporarily (yes, I said temporarily) struggling.
Sales is different from most jobs because there is really no off switch. It becomes more than work - sales is about commitment to the point of becoming a lifestyle. Most 9-5 jobs have an "on and off" switch - sales doesn't. It can be difficult trying to get friends, family and spouses to understand that commitment. But support is vital, particularly, spousal support.
You want them to understand the twin towers of your "Eustress and Distress" but don't want to share so much they worry with you. Or maybe, their lack of understanding of what you do creates its own "pressure of performance" as you are struggling to make ends meet. You know the opportunity is real because there are those in your organization and industry doing well. The question you ask is the same one we all ask in one form or another, "What about can I do it, too?"
Good news...your success with the opportunity in front of you is going to be built on the experiences that are behind you. No need to fear what lies will be successful! I know you can do it! How? Because I and countless more like me have done it. We faced the nerves, anxiety, fear and pushed will too!
Stay focused, look for the answers that are probably in your midst and be determined to succeed.
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!