Saturday, March 8, 2014

Spock's Brain...Or Mine?

What do you get when you read a book?
Watch a YouTube video on how to hang sheetrock? (ok, I will admit my wife is the real household engineer!)
When you get that great recipe from a Food Channel chef?
You get their brain...
As many of you know, I am a big fan of Star Trek  - as the "Get Your Captain KIrk On" video I just released should attest.  While I am not a bona-fide Federation Trekkie, I am a vintage episode aficionado. In a episode titled "Spock's Brain", inhabitants of a alien planet hijacked Spock's brain to run the computer that controlled their civilization. 

What part of your business, sales development or your life could be instantly "transformed" by borrowing the brain of a subject matter expert...or dare I say coach?
Do you need better lead and business development techniques?
Do you need more in-depth product knowledge?
Do you need more effective closing ability?
Borrow someone else's brain!

That is what I did when I consulted with someone who knew more about books and marketing them than I didI have always been a proponent of self-development and paying for knowledge, wisdom and tactics that could make me more effective.
You should do it too...

There are several benefits from seeking out help from someone who 'knows the ropes";
  1. It speed up progress by eliminating trial and error.
  2. It allows you to set up predictable markers of progress as you follow the course of action outlined and their expected results.
  3. It gives you a higher degree of "faith" in your actions and results because you are under the watchful eye of someone who as "been there...done that"
My recent success with my first official Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing effort has doubly sold me on the notion of hiring the brain of an expert for the achievement of a broader author's platform.
Now I am ready to turn my attention back to the weakest link in my!  What benefit could I derive by having a PGA coaching professional watching over my 3 foot putts?
What area of your business and life could benefit from coaching?  I encourage you to seek out that help, accelerate your progress and help you reach the next level.
Is it financial advice you need, a personal fitness trainer, or a sales guru? (hint!)
What you need will determine who you need...

For what you want to achieve whose do you prefer...

Spock's Brain...or Mine? 
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Friday, March 7, 2014

It's An Amazon Jungle Out There!

I recently had a book, You. Change. Now! ranked #2 in
Self-Help/Motivation in Free Kindle books
It was Ranked as high as #74 in Non-Fiction and
Ranked #340 out of 68,000 total books in Free Kindle library!
You ought to be...
4 weeks ago I had no clue how to even upload my book to Amazon. 
What did I do?
I borrowed someone else's brain...
It's An Amazon Jungle Out There!

Ever get to the point in your life, you have had enough of your own excuses?
Ever decide that those last 10 pounds have got to come off?
That you will make six figures in an industry that is exploding with sales?
Well, I had such a moment a couple of months ago.  The past couple of years, I had distributed 1,000's books and programs, had spoken live at dozens of events and people all said "You should be on a national stage."
Modesty aside, I am one of the best story-telling inspirational & instructional self-development personalities I have ever seen.  I have watched them all and thought "I can do that at that level".
Being able to do it and gaining access to the "big break" are two totally different things. 
This year, I wanted to get single-mindedly focused on my goals.  I had great content in books, a dynamic personality (ok, it is time for modesty now...sorry!) and resources to begin building a platform.
What did I do?
I hired a 'book whisperer".  A mentor for authors looking to build a platform.
The first thing he asked:
"What are you doing to separate yourself from the herd of talking head and thousands and even millions of people who want to do the same thing?"
I began," I have trained over 35,000...
"Blah, Blah, Blah", he interjected.  "Why are you different and why should I let you do this for me rather than the countless others I could choose from."
That has happened only twice in my life...the first time I was 14 years old tying my shoe when the love of my life said "hello" in the hallway.
For all my sales & marketing experience, bravado, and confidence, I really didn't know what was going to set me apart.  At least not something I could quickly put into words.  I could sell rings around this guy "on my turf", but books was a new arena.
Unchartered territory...does anybody feel me?
As the silence became deafening, and it was obvious he wasn't going to speak first (he should have been in sales!), I said,
"My books are fantastic and they will speak for me."
He took a moment to reflect on what I had just said and in what seemed like minutes said,
"You are right...but it's an Amazon Jungle Out There."
What did I do next? The same thing I will ask you to do...
I borrowed his brain!
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

You Referring To Me?

In a world where people can turn down a "friend request" on Facebook, how willing is your client to put you in front of their "real friends" if you have not merited the platform?
Once they are confident in you as a sales professional, and the product has performed, you are in a powerful position to ask for the next sale, or leverage their social networks to cultivate more opportunity.
Is it worth all of the effort?
Of course it is!
What is the close rate of referrals?
Infinity and beyond...yes, it's that good!
Secret #5 - Ask For Referrals!
The most powerful introduction a client can make is to another potential client. There is an automatic transference of credibility and rapport. As a result you become elevated from a sales professional to trusted advisor - then you are a true part of their lives.
I know that classic, traditional sales training dictates that you ask for them immediately once the sale is consummated. Certainly, under the right conditions clients would be in such a state of euphoria that they will provide them.
Some will be too nervous to provide them so quick without "proof in the pudding".
I personally prefer to obtain them once I have demonstrated a high level of professional excellence and the client is happy with the product.
Believe me, if you satisfy the client and reinforce the sale through service, they will open doors to their family, friends, colleagues and co-workers in a way that business meets you at your desk every day.
Then you transition from a producer to a cultivator.
Thank them, personally, for every opportunity they send you. Even if that referral doesn't become a client, showing appreciation and gratitude are vital. Gratitude and appreciation sets you up for additional opportunities.
Does this exchange sound familiar?
"Mr. Jones, thank you for referring Ms. Smith. I have already reached out to her and will be meeting with her on Friday. I truly appreciate you helping me fulfill my mission of (fill in your mission)."
"No problem Brandon, by the way, there are a couple more people I want to refer to you mind calling them too?'
It will get to the point that as a cultivator, you won't even have to ask...they will happily provide them and you will have business meeting you at your desk... every day.
You referring to me?
I hope so...remember...
 "As you deserve"
That is my goal for you...
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sell. Reinforce. Repeat!

The key to cultivation is understanding that the client "in your hand" beats the two that are "in the bush".
Current clients give you the opportunity for repeat (add on) business. Sadly, most people do not keep in contact with their clients - largely defeating the purpose of calling them clients!
Secret #4 - Getting Repeat Business from Current Clients!
If you sell cars, the chances of calling your clients a week later and getting them to buy another one today is not good...or wise. You can ask for referrals (more on that tomorrow!)
What if you sell jewelry and a groom just bought an expensive engagement ring for his bride to be. Wouldn't it make sense to get the wedding date? Call him before his first anniversary and show him the matching earrings?
If you sell a family of products, is it possible that something else you offer could be of value to them right now...or in the future...tomorrow's sale?
I have worked in insurance for many years and while the companies I worked for typically sold one product, the agents that represented us were able to sell a complete portfolio of complementary products.
But most were "one trick ponies" selling one product and leaving another sales person to come in and finish what they started!
If you needed several products to meet your expanding needs and desires, which would you prefer...
One Trusted Advisor who could help/direct you with all of them...or a parade of sales people coming in and out of your life...all selling one thing?
You are not piling on or selling needless things to people just for commission - you are consulting and advising on things they are buying anyway...why not from you as the Trusted Advisor?
It only makes sense for everyone...right?
The 20% are doing it...that is why they are the 20%!!!
Don't believe me?...ask them!
If you remain in contact with your clients, along with the referrals (again, tomorrow!) you will receive, you will get the call that their needs have changed. Or in your annual reviews of their situation, you determine there is a better solution for the changing times.
While some people will be set for a lifetime with your solutions, others will have life changing events...births, deaths, marriages, etc.
Who do you want them to think of at these critical stages in their lives?
You want to position yourself in the minds of your clients as their "go to" resource. They may not need you for years, but when they do, you should be there.
True sales success lies in providing solutions and servicing that solution for a lifetime.
It is a commitment...
Sell. Reinforce. Repeat!
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Call In The Reinforcements!

Ok Brandon, I received the "gospel of the cultivator" and you promised me that opportunity would be waiting for me at my desk.
Hang tight, change takes time...and effort. It also requires recognition of what is likely already in your midst.
The goldmine of your future is likely in the rolodex (yes, I just dated myself)...or I-Phone that sits idle on your desk.
Secret #3 - Reinforce the Sale!
The first key to strengthening the relationship that consummated the sale is to stay in contact Reinforce.
With strategically planned client outreach you will reinforce their buying decision, the importance of them as clients and your relationship.
Have you ever bought something that didn't meet your expectations?
Strong likelihood that you made an attempt or two to rectify the issue.
Did you call the salesperson? How did they act...react?
Awkward silence...did they even remember you?
If a salesperson has not spoken to you in 6 months since your purchase, you will probably call customer service and strike up a conversation with someone who gets 100 complaints a day. How does that usually go?
If you don't get satisfaction, what do you do next?  
The return counter perhaps?
Most buyers' remorse can be treated with Reinforcement.
The most positive time in a prospect's mind is after they make a is also the most vulnerable."
Yes, they will be happy, but they will naturally second guess the decision of their purchase. They will tell a trusted friend what they have done for feedback and the secret need for approval. They will check the internet to see what strangers have done, how they have rated the product and their experiences, to compare it to their own."
What is the best thing a professional seller can do in this vulnerable period?
Reinforce the good decision the client has just made.
You do this by sending them a thank you card. Calling them once the product is received to make sure all is well and see if they have any questions. Check in with them on date of delivery, and special future dates in their lives, like anniversary dates.
The most powerful tool in the Reinforce arsenal is Gratitude - saying "Thank you" for their business and relationship. Become creative with each interaction, so that you are more memorable.
You don't have to overwhelm them but simply let them know you have not, and will not abandon them after the sale."
Service has become a "dying art" in business and particularly at the point of sale. You can leave your fate (and commission) to your customer service department or you can take matters into your own hands and Reinforce.
I say Call in the Reinforcements!
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Gospel!

What was waiting for you when you got to the office today?
Leads? I hope so. Was it your turn to get some?
A note to meet the sales manager to discuss last week's production...or lack of?
I don't mean to get you upset so early in the week, but I also want you to know this could be the last Monday you have to "face the music" or wait for the lead rotation handout!
What if you came to the office today and had 5 voice messages from clients?...
With repeat business? With Referrals?
Ok, let's start over...
That is exactly what it would be if you had repeat business and referral opportunities meeting you at your desk each day...
If you became a cultivator...not just a producer.
I understand that everyone in sales has to start as a producer in the Effort Phase of their career. A producer has to pay their dues. If they are on the leaderboard, they are paying dues successfully. I applaud them!
I can tell you that producing is hard (duh!) requires daily grit and determination as you have to dig deep to mine new opportunities.
What happens to producers that don't transition to cultivators?
They burnout.
Do you know the symptoms of burnout? Here are a few;
  • Getting up every few minutes, taking more breaks from cold-calling.
  • Pre-judging the leads and giving half-hearted sales presentations due to a "what's the use" syndrome.
  • Calling in "sick" and staying in the bed rather than working!
To break out of the producer level to cultivator status there is a foundational concept you must receive as "The Gospel";
Secret #2 - Turn new business clients into raving fans.
Convert clients into people who see you as a Trusted Advisor and who will only buy relevant products from you.   They will refer everyone they know to you.
A producer who operates with a high level of integrity and provides superior value to his clients, will become a cultivator with more repeat business and due time."
Not a cultivator! Why? They spend most of their time presenting solutions to a ready, trusting audience versus "hunting" for someone to pitch?
My brothers and sisters, receive the gospel, become a cultivator and change your life once and for all!
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Do You See What I See?

When you look at the leaderboard or rankings for your company/industry, what do you see? (Hopefully, your name at the top!)
That list contains a group of people who rose to the top doing some very effective things and received the coveted "spoils of war" - recognition, compensation and a prime company parking space!
Take a deeper look at that top list.
Will the person who is #1 this month, be the same person next month?
Could be, but more than likely, there is a monthly musical chair proposition. The names change as the ebb and flow of leads and sales opportunities dictate "one for for me".
Consistency is rare in sales and in life and is part of what perpetuates The Law of Pareto. You know it better as the 80/20 rule. That means that 80% of the sales can be "predicted" to come from 20% of the salesforce.
Not a bad distribution...if you are in the 20%!
Are you?
I have trained over 35,000 sales people (give or take a few!) and seen The Law play out over and over. It was only when I demanded an expansion of The Law by developing the 80% of the sales force that things turned around.
The result: Company's I worked with began to experience 80/40!
For the non-mathematicians, that means that 80% of the production was now coming from 40% - a doubling of sales effectiveness of the team!
Does that make me a genius...a sales guru....a Svengali (look it up!)
Humbly, modestly, and quite frankly...YES!
What is the method of my madness? The secret formula that allows me to get more from a sales team than The Law Allows?
Secret #1 - Turn Producers into Cultivators
The producer concentrates on new business which requires each day they have to "start over" and work to build a new relationship...from scratch.
A cultivator has business meeting them at their desk! Repeat business and referrals...each day...
Who would you rather be?"
Look at the leaderboard again....
Do you see what I see?
Secret #2 tomorrow...
Until then, I wish you Money, Power, Success!