Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Money Energy!

Losing weight is a simple equation...calories in...calories out.
Money is a lot like in (income/revenue) out (expenses/desires)
A calorie (kcal) is a measurement of  If during a workout it takes 1 hour to burn 700 calories and it takes 3500 calories to burn off one pound of fat - we  know we have to workout 5 hours.
With each workout, we make note of the exertion, pain, sweat and effort to reach that 700 calorie burning target.  That is the "price we have to pay" for success.  We step on the scale day change. Day change.
Day 5 brings the reward of one pound of fat lost!  We "celebrate" on Saturday with a double Heath Blizzard from Dairy Queen.
Sunday morning, the scale shows us the penalty - exactly the 1 pound we just lost - which we now correlate with 5 pulse pounding hours in the gym.  The emotions of regret, anger, and then the "vow" not to waste precious kcals...
The kcals coming in...and going out.
Many of us treat money the same way?  Yes, your prospective clients!
Most of us correlate the energy it takes to earn money to time, rate per hour, and the "pain" of the exertion in earning it. You may be doing this subliminally and not consciously...but you are doing it!
When we are young and foolish, we squander, mismanage, and lock ourselves into financed lifestyles. Like Wimpy from Popeye, "we are sadly paying the next 52 Tuesdays for that hamburger today" - siphoning off tomorrow's earnings for today's pleasures.
This creates the "once bitten and twice shy" mental money blueprint.  We vow to become more prudent with our financial dealings. We vow to avoid the financial "Heath Blizzards" that wreck havoc on our financial health.
As a result your product is "under the gun".  Getting the check is tougher as your client decides whether what you are selling is a good financial they wont regret later - leading to buyers remorse (you know what that is...right?)
If it is a simple sale or a low price point, the money energy required is lower...they buy without much mental debate...on impulse. 
If it is a major/complex sale and the money energy is their life's savings...
You get the picture!

How do you convince someone to invest in something that has taken their entire life's essence to earn?
You have to replace the "pain" of how money was earned with the an overriding money emotion. You have to get them to see past their...


Money Energy!

Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

Next Time: Money Emotion!

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