Monday, October 13, 2014

You Better Think!

You Better Think!
Happy Monday!
Glad it is a new week but I needed this past weekend as I imagined many of you did!
Needed to recharge.  My brain was almost toast, and I don't mind admitting it (did you catch the pun - read it again!). 
In the last month, I have had to learn new technologies, several new products and launch a new business platform for the upcoming enrollment season.
On Friday, I drove 3 hours to attend an all-day session to learn one more product. Admittedly, it was hard to be ultra-attentive and engaged with you are sleep deprived. The presenter was good and the information was relevant and something I could use. I fought off the specter of lost sleep and determined I would review it more indepthly over the weekend...which I did.  Great stuff!
Thinking back to Friday, as I watched and listened to the questions that were being asked, I realized that everyone in the room was battling the same thing I was.
Sensory overload.
The Brain has no problem taking it all in and amassing more data than Univac back in the 70's. Ahhh, but The Mind has to cooperate... 
The brain is willing, but the mind is weak!
There is a difference between the brain and the mind. Of course, they are best friends and can't live without each other! The brain is an organ but the mind isn't. The brain is the "house" that holds your mind. The brain makes sure we breathe when the mind has other things on its mind (another funny!).  The brain takes in information through the five senses...
and the mind tells us what it all means.
The mind does the thinking. It is where ideas come from. Our ability to analyze situations comes from our mind and makes it possible to develop solutions to complex problems and challenges.
Friday, my problem and challenge was not so much staying awake, it was keeping my mind alert. I know my brain was hearing and seeing everything, but I needed to make sure my mind would remember what would be important to me in the future.
It was only after lunch that the brain was delivered a carb induced "knockout" punch and the only priority was staying awake. I did not try to ask insightful questions or even take notes. The only battle was one of the eyelids.  At 4:30 he cut us loose and a quick jolt of adrenaline kicked in.
As I got in the car and faced the 3 hours of traffic back home I knew (my mind told me!) everything would be ok. The presenter sent each one of us home with stacks of brochures, recorded webinars and product content.  
I dove into all of it this weekend when the brain was fresh and the mind clear.  The two of them got together and helped me put it all together.  I feel empowered with new knowledge and have the confidence to use it.  
What would I tell the other particpants of the class that were as glassy-eyed as I was?   
You Better Think!
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success! 
Happy Monday!
Glad it is a new week but I needed this past weekend as I imagined many of you did!
Needed to recharge.  My brain was almost toast, and I don't mind admitting it (did you catch the pun - read it again!). 
In the last month, I have had to learn new technologies, several new products and launch a new business platform for the upcoming enrollment season.
On Friday, I drove 3 hours to attend an all-day session to learn one more product. Admittedly, it was hard to be ultra-attentive and engaged with you are sleep deprived. The presenter was good and the information was relevant and something I could use. I fought off the specter of lost sleep and determined I would review it more indepthly over the weekend...which I did.  Great stuff!
Thinking back to Friday, as I watched and listened to the questions that were being asked, I realized that everyone in the room was battling the same thing I was.
Sensory overload.
The Brain has no problem taking it all in and amassing more data than Univac back in the 70's. Ahhh, but The Mind has to cooperate... 
The brain is willing, but the mind is weak!
There is a difference between the brain and the mind. Of course, they are best friends and can't live without each other! The brain is an organ but the mind isn't. The brain is the "house" that holds your mind. The brain makes sure we breathe when the mind has other things on its mind (another funny!).  The brain takes in information through the five senses...
and the mind tells us what it all means.
The mind does the thinking. It is where ideas come from. Our ability to analyze situations comes from our mind and makes it possible to develop solutions to complex problems and challenges.
Friday, my problem and challenge was not so much staying awake, it was keeping my mind alert. I know my brain was hearing and seeing everything, but I needed to make sure my mind would remember what would be important to me in the future.
It was only after lunch that the brain was delivered a carb induced "knockout" punch and the only priority was staying awake. I did not try to ask insightful questions or even take notes. The only battle was one of the eyelids.  At 4:30 he cut us loose and a quick jolt of adrenaline kicked in.
As I got in the car and faced the 3 hours of traffic back home I knew (my mind told me!) everything would be ok. The presenter sent each one of us home with stacks of brochures, recorded webinars and product content.  
I dove into all of it this weekend when the brain was fresh and the mind clear.  The two of them got together and helped me put it all together.  I feel empowered with new knowledge and have the confidence to use it.  
What would I tell the other particpants of the class that were as glassy-eyed as I was?   
You Better Think!
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success! 

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