Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Word Associations - Excellence Separates & Elevates!

Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.

I talk a lot about excellence.  I believe it to be the single greatest thing that has helped me be successful.  When we were growing up, whether it be an Easter speech (remember those?), a school play, or a homework assignment, we were admonished to be excellent.  My father in law, LeRoy has had this mantra for decades -  
"Excellence is the only standard".
I agree.

Be clear, I am not talking about perfection or judging yourself against others.  I am talking about being excellent on your leveldoing all that you can do with what you have to work with.  As you continue refining yourself and honing your craft your levels of excellence will increase.

What does excellence do?

First it separates.  Face it, most people are trying to do just enough to get by...the path of least resistance.  In the last 3 weeks, I have entered more than a dozen homes where the people already had an agent.

In a spirit of ethics I told them I did not want to come between them and the other agent, but since I was there I would review their situation and answer any questions - that alone separates me from others.  I was thorough and reviewed every element of the best fit solutions...detached from whether there would be a relationship formed or not. 

Excellence should not be exhibited just because there is something to gain.  The first quality of excellence is that it only seeks exposure and expression...regardless of the circumstances. Your client and your product are out of your control, but you are in full control of you!

In each one of these scenarios they told me I had done a better job of explaining the products and wanted me to be their advisor.  Do I feel bad?.  I feel bad that that the other agents didn't exhibit excellence...they didn't return phone calls or reach out...that they didn't explain programs in detail...that they "assumed" they could have a client for life with no service.

That would not have been hard and that was all they had to do.

The second thing Excellence does is Elevate.  Getting better at what you do will always help you rise to the next level.  Want to get promoted?  Want to get more clients and referrals?  Want to be known in your community and industry?

Be Excellent.
As with any skill under development, it will take will power to control contrary thoughts (thus actions) but over time you will go from "second nature to first nature".  Then you are at a state of "being".
That is the key to excellence - not to try, not to force, but simply, "to be!".

Excellence Separates & Elevates!
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!  

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