Friday, December 5, 2014

You Create Your Life! part 1

Today is December 5, 2014...8 days from my 50th birthday on December 12th. 
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."
Happy Friday!

I heard from some of you yesterday that did the "I Am" exercise and I truly appreciate your sharing.  I also know that some people just don't see the point. 
Believe me, I understand.
There was a time in my life that I would have laughed at such a concept.  The scientist in me was "above" such thinking.  Though my father implanted the seed of success concepts in my life through books and conversation, part of me was looking at his life and thinking, "Doesn't look like this is working for you...why should I do it?"
That was the short sidedness of youth talking.  I had not lived enough life.  I had not had enough trouble or struggles.  At almost 50, I now know, that if you keep on living, life will test your principles and principals.
In our early 20's, Natalie and I built our first house.  I was proud of the fact I knew all the special first-time buyer, no money down programs and actually knew more than the agent.  My smarts got us in that home, my stupidity caused us to lose it in foreclosure.  This was the late 80's - I had my financial meltdown way before the Global Meltdown.
I could have you in tears over my next decade.  It would be like watching "Little House on the Prairie"; Paw buys seed on credit at the feed store...drought almost devastates crop...the crop that does come up gets eaten by locusts...the bank comes and gets the farm.
One thing about Charles Ingalls, that man had character.  He had principles and principals that were deeply etched into his being. 
"Talent is nurtured in solitude;
character is formed in the stormy billows of the world." 
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 
For most of us, we live...and we learn.  For others, life's lessons never seem to take hold.  Learning life's lessons aren't a simple rite of passage with the passage of time- age does not necessarily bring wisdom.  It takes an Awakening, an epiphany, a moment where inner clarity exceeds external disparity.
At 25 years of age, I realized that the hole I had dug for myself was a result of not taking full responsibility for my life. I thought smarts, talent and drive were all that I needed.  That was not enough.  That power needed concrete direction to be effective or else it was just spewing aimlessly and wastefully. 
As I hit rock bottom, Natalie still faithfully by my side and two small children, I realized I did not have a defined set of guidelines for my life and I paid the price. After my trials by fire, I was determined to be someone that didn't just talk about my ideals...I was committed to living them.
As I sought answers, the things my father tried to teach me whispered to me. The resounding words in the books and pamphlets and conversations were overwhelming consistent;
You Create Your Life! 

Until Monday, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

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