Tuesday, February 18, 2014

If You Got It...Give It!

Do you get a case of "the nerves" right before you meet a new client or start a sales meeting?
To be nervous about an upcoming meeting is okay. Even the great ones feel a little uneasy about the next performance, but it becomes counter-productive when you start projecting "why" a sales call won't work out.
"They won't be qualified, they won't have any money, or they live on the other side of the tracks."
These are all statements to create a self-fulfilling prophecy that will result in poor effort and a lost sale.
To be nervous may actually generate a strong performance, but pre-judging (yes, prejudice!) will make you give a half-hearted one. You have to give your best each and every time you have an opportunity to serve.
I started public speaking as a profession back in the early 90's and had a weekly radio show on a local station. I was trying to figure out how to grow my audience and decided to do a financial workshop. I spent additional money on advertising, radio spots, and booked a room in a nice hotel...instructing them to put in 500 chairs. I was holding two sessions and expected both to be packed!
Well, as you may have guessed they were far from packed. I looked out over the first session and the second and combined, I had about 35 people in attendance.
What did I do?
I fought off the momentary feeling of disappointment and I delivered a rousing 3 hour performance (twice) based on the best of my abilities at that stage of my life...
I gave Excellence - the only standard.
Those 35 people's lives were changed and it actually turned into several "spin-off" opportunities that gave me greater exposure...and more importantly, a lesson in excellence.
Have you ever had a client who couldn't buy be so taken by your enthusiasm, chemistry and authenticity that they referred you to others who could buy?
You have to make a commitment to do EVERYTHING with the highest level of EXCELLENCE - EVERYTIME!
The first quality of excellence is that it only seeks Exposure and Expression...regardless of the circumstances.
If you got it...give it!
1,001, 101...or simply 1 - when your audience shows up...show out!
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

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