Thursday, March 6, 2014

You Referring To Me?

In a world where people can turn down a "friend request" on Facebook, how willing is your client to put you in front of their "real friends" if you have not merited the platform?
Once they are confident in you as a sales professional, and the product has performed, you are in a powerful position to ask for the next sale, or leverage their social networks to cultivate more opportunity.
Is it worth all of the effort?
Of course it is!
What is the close rate of referrals?
Infinity and beyond...yes, it's that good!
Secret #5 - Ask For Referrals!
The most powerful introduction a client can make is to another potential client. There is an automatic transference of credibility and rapport. As a result you become elevated from a sales professional to trusted advisor - then you are a true part of their lives.
I know that classic, traditional sales training dictates that you ask for them immediately once the sale is consummated. Certainly, under the right conditions clients would be in such a state of euphoria that they will provide them.
Some will be too nervous to provide them so quick without "proof in the pudding".
I personally prefer to obtain them once I have demonstrated a high level of professional excellence and the client is happy with the product.
Believe me, if you satisfy the client and reinforce the sale through service, they will open doors to their family, friends, colleagues and co-workers in a way that business meets you at your desk every day.
Then you transition from a producer to a cultivator.
Thank them, personally, for every opportunity they send you. Even if that referral doesn't become a client, showing appreciation and gratitude are vital. Gratitude and appreciation sets you up for additional opportunities.
Does this exchange sound familiar?
"Mr. Jones, thank you for referring Ms. Smith. I have already reached out to her and will be meeting with her on Friday. I truly appreciate you helping me fulfill my mission of (fill in your mission)."
"No problem Brandon, by the way, there are a couple more people I want to refer to you mind calling them too?'
It will get to the point that as a cultivator, you won't even have to ask...they will happily provide them and you will have business meeting you at your desk... every day.
You referring to me?
I hope so...remember...
 "As you deserve"
That is my goal for you...
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

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