Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Survive the Storm!

"I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship."
The storm of Disagreement
It is going to happen anytime you put more than one person in the room.  I have counseled many small business owners that have their first real problems when they hire their first employees.
What was once a simple unilateral decision now involves second guessing, debate and dissension if the people don't agree on the strategy.  That is why organizations have to have leaders.  Someone to direct the strategy and provide guidance...someone to break the tie.
It can be a power struggle.  That is why so many managers and leaders engage a autocratic "my way or the high way". approach.  While it cuts down on the energy it takes to get things done, it is not effective in building an inclusive high-performance culture.
That takes time.
We know that the 4 stages of the team are  Forming - Storming - Norming - Performing.
Disagreements will be high in Stage 2 - Storming. It is the stage where employees will "test the fence" and see what the real boundaries are.  They will act out passive aggressively or point fingers at others.  Cliques, coups and water cooler sessions serve to undermine the organization.
This is normal.
That is why there are 4 stages.  As I have told my kids often -
"You don't get to skip any steps on the road to greatness...
only mediocrity allows shortcuts."
Don't panic - Storming is the hardest phase, but it is the most important. It is when you will find out what you really haveSome of the people on your team won't make it through this period.  That is ok - it is better that they leave now before the critical missions.  Structure, process and true leadership are developed through storms.  You find out who is committed in the storm. 
It wont be pretty...but it is necessary.
How do I know Natalie has my back?  How we endured storms.  How do I know I can count on my sister, Donna?  She was there before, during and after my storms.  Many of my friends and  colleagues are gone...they didn't endure the storm (In fairness, I may not have endured theirs either!).  LinkedIn and Facebook likes are good for social media statistics and networking, but you can't build a life on superficial relationships!
You need storms to know who is with you.  It may not be the people you thought.  Nonetheless...
When the storm is gone, look around and see who is still standing... that is your team.
If you have something at stake, if it matters, if you want more than just a sample of the good life, then you will have to face storms head on.  Don't worry, as my momma used to say, "
"Trouble don't last always...this too shall pass. 
If you got a made up mind you will"...
Survive the Storm!
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!  

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