Monday, October 20, 2014

You Got Heart Kid!

Happy Monday!
Over the next few weeks, you will notice some changes in this daily feature.  I have come to realize that over half my readers aren't in sales but correlate the things I talk about to their life.
The reality is...everyone is in sales.  From the kid trying to get his first fast food job, to the college graduate doing their first oral presentation.
"To me, job titles don't matter. Everyone is in sales. It's the only way we stay in business"
Don't worry sales folks, there will always be a lesson in it for you, too!

You Got Heart Kid!
What does the number 145 represent?
I won't leave you in suspense.  That is my I.Q.  Impressed?  You should be.  That is considered highly intelligent.  Just 25 points away from being the next Einstein.  The number 25 never looked so big...right?
Do you remember this carton?  It was called Pinky and the Brain.  One lovable and one despicable.  The two characters are reminiscent of Lennie and George from Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (those 25 points are shrinking fast!).
If you recall, Brain relies on...well his brain and Pinky...his heart.  No matter the situation or circumstance, the Brain is continually foiled while Pinky emerges unscathed. Makes the case that the heart knows best.
"What the heart knows today the head will understand tomorrow."
Despite my high I.Q, I would tell you that my heart rules me. I understand that the brain is an organ, but the heart is a muscle.  By definition, that means that your heart can grow by exercise and use.  It's power of intuition, inspiration and instinct can be cultivated and enlarged by strenuous activity.
The brain knows...but the heart feels. We give the brain too much credit when it is our heart that does the heavy lifting of our lives.  For example, take the mouth.  The words you speak.
People think that the brain controls the mouth. 
Dead wrong.
Your heart does.
"Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."
Matthew 12:34
Sometimes the brain and the heart play tug of war.  Many people let the brain win.  Not me.  Sure I have the same battle everyone else does, but my heart usually wins.  Some examples;
Just the other day, a older woman on the phone said some insensitive things about race (not knowing my ethnicity).  My brain had every snappy comeback since the Emancipation Proclamation, but my heart said, "No...just love on her".  I did. 
I felt better.
I had a client that I drove an hour to see only to find that she had to sign up under an retiree exchange and not an independent broker.  She was confused and told me the exchange was very little help.  My brain said, "This is your last appointment, go home".  My heart said, "Here is your chance to be a can spare an hour".  I did.  She cried and hugged me. 
I felt better.
Think of the last time your heart overruled your brain.  I bet it felt good.  People don't say and do cruel things because their minds are small...their hearts are.  My momma used to say,
"Don't think before you speak...
feel before you speak." 
I tell people to get HeartSmart.  It is a mindset of service and genuine gratitude for the opportunity to serve.  Not subservient or acquiescent where people will run over you, but a mindset that allows people to feel your genuine nature.  It fosters trust - the single greatest factor in closing a sale (see, I told you there would be a connection!)
Want to sell better? Get HeartSmart
Want to connect better? Get HeartSmart.
Want to live better?  Get HeartSmart.
Today, allow your heart to win an argument or two against your brain.  It is possible since... 
You Got Heart Kid!
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!  
 Improved Website Coming Soon:
For now, please enjoy more

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