Monday, January 27, 2014

Sales Is Life!

What is your meaning of work? Webster says it is "the labor, task, or duty that is one's accustomed means of livelihood". In most of our lives our work and thus its meaning is ever changing and evolving. As we enter in to new levels of opportunity (a new job or new career - like sales) it will be necessary to develop a new set of skills.
Most of us fall into sales. We didn't choose sales, but somehow find ourselves in it - "thrown to the wolves". There are only a few university programs that teach sales, but we can get a degree in marketing almost everywhere - MBA's are plentiful. Marketing is not sales and vice versa - though they are sometimes used interchangeably. No offense to my marketing buddies but they are great in the board room but not so great in the living room! Sales can be tough...particularly, when you are new to it or temporarily (yes, I said temporarily) struggling.
Sales is different from most jobs because there is really no off switch. It becomes more than work - sales is about commitment to the point of becoming a lifestyle. Most 9-5 jobs have an "on and off" switch - sales doesn't. It can be difficult trying to get friends, family and spouses to understand that commitment. But support is vital, particularly, spousal support.
You want them to understand the twin towers of your "Eustress and Distress" but don't want to share so much they worry with you. Or maybe, their lack of understanding of what you do creates its own "pressure of performance" as you are struggling to make ends meet. You know the opportunity is real because there are those in your organization and industry doing well. The question you ask is the same one we all ask in one form or another, "What about can I do it, too?"
Good news...your success with the opportunity in front of you is going to be built on the experiences that are behind you. No need to fear what lies will be successful! I know you can do it! How? Because I and countless more like me have done it. We faced the nerves, anxiety, fear and pushed will too!
Stay focused, look for the answers that are probably in your midst and be determined to succeed.
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

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