Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sales People Needing People!

There are some that say relationship selling is dying.

Sure, in this world of technology, we can get reviews on products, download brochures, and order them...all without speaking to anyone. While there is a place for this, I don't believe you can negate the Power of Human Connection in sales. There is a vital component to shaking a hand, looking into someone's eyes, and hearing each others words fill the air...connecting on all levels.

How do you increase your Power of Human Connection?

Get to know the people around you. The places you frequent are filled with people who have unique stories and perspectives. The old Cheers line says, "You want to go where everybody knows your name". In order for that to happen you have to give your name, your story, and be open to listening to others. You will find that after a while, you will become "known" for who you are and what you do. You will also find others who can help you and are enthusiastically willing to do so. This is not for selfish purposes, but part of the human experience. As John Maxwell asserts "We should not network...we should connect".

Be memorable! The best way to make sure someone remembers your name is to remember theirs - the law of reciprocity is powerful. When you are meeting people for the first time, it is more important to make an impression - not to try to impress them. Make everyone you come into contact with not just feel important, but know they are important - from the mail clerk to the CEO. You never know who will be in a position to help you once connection is made! 

What would the people around you say about you? I have met many sales people who feel compelled to give their extensive resumes as "elevator speeches". Prudent self-promotion is necessary, but in sales, the highest compliment is to have your client brag about you to other prospective clients - referrals. If the people in your inner circle were introducing you to someone, what would they say? What about your clients? memorable, and make it all about them...they will say great things about you!

Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

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