Monday, February 10, 2014

Black Strands...Gray Roots!

In a truly professional sales environment, everyone must win - the client, the company, and you.  It doesn't mean that everything will go perfectly for everyone, and some form of compromise is necessary...yes, even from the client. 
The goal has to be "the greatest good to the greatest number".
Once you see the possibilities of the opportunity before you, and the synergistic nature of a professional sales transaction, you have to deal with anxiety and trepidation...fear. 
What scares you? 
For most, it is fear of failure in some form.  Fear of failure is natural, human, and even beneficial when examined properly.  Most people don't delve into the root causes of why they are afraid, and only deal with the external emotions generated from their fear. 
People who are afraid to cold-call color their fear of the activity with compensatory statements - "these leads are bad, no one is answering their phones today, it is a bad time of year for calling people." 
While they make excuses...someone else is making phone calls...and succeeding!
Sales is a highly quantifiable business.  Most offices have a leaderboard where your results are on public display.  As logic would have it, that means someone's name is at the top...someone's is at the bottom.
It is hard to make excuses when someone else is doing it!  In the light of others who likely feel/felt the same uncertainties at some point, your excuses are exposed for what they are...fear!
Fear is hard to hide when you are out in the open - everyone can see your black strands...grey roots! 
No worries, we deal with it tomorrow...
Until then I wish you Money, Power, Success!

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