Sunday, February 9, 2014

Oh Happy Day!

In the second half of my sales career (the successful half!), I began the practice of wishing everyone a "Happy Monday!" and "Happy Friday!" - face to face, by phone, and email. 
No one ever asked about Friday - TGIF - already seen as a day of celebration, happy hour, chips and salsa!
Everyone was initially thrown off by the Happy Monday greeting.  They must have thought I was quirky, strange, or downright crazy!  As I see it, Monday is a day of revival- a chance to start fresh and anew.  
I see Monday as a weekly Happy New Year - a day to get new resolve and start afresh.
Before long, everyone began greeting me this way - "Happy Monday!" and "Happy Friday!".   It became a bit of a calling card.  Why?  Enthusiasm is contagious.  Greet everyone as if you are truly excited to see them - and mean it! 
People want to be celebrated...not tolerated!
That is why chemistry can take you where your skill (or lack of) can't.  It shows people they matter and that despite your newness or lack of experience that you have their interest at heart.  That opens the door to receptivity and closing a sale.
Don't mistake chemistry for the permission to go too far...too fast.  Chemistry creates the avenue to further the sales process, but does not allow you to skip steps and go right to the close (unless they tell you they want it now!)
Uncovering the needs and desires of your clients requires patience.  You already know the answer, but this is a "first" for many of them.
Determine what they want and need, and be governed by your business intuition of how they make buying decisions and tailor your "authentic sales voice" and approach to best suit that need. 
It is a form of courtship where a long term successful relationship is desired.  Relationship is about before, during and after the sale and sets the stage for increased opportunity via repeat sales, higher persistency, and the holy grail of sales...renewals.
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

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