Monday, February 24, 2014

Clients Know The Secret!

Your clients are keeping a secret from you!
The "secret"? - What they need, why they need it and how they will buy.
Do you recognize that "what-why-how" from a previous Sales Crumb? They are the ingredients to achieving a goal, but are also powerful ingredients of the sales process.
When mixed by the skillful hand of a sharing/caring sales professional (yes...that's you!), they generate a white heat of desire. That desire is what causes the prospective client to take buy!
If you have read Sales Crumbs from the Master's Table, then you will remember LeRoy's lesson to Matt on how to get "The Secret" from a client. He taught Matt that to get people to express what-why-how you must engage the process of Relaxing, Relating, and Releasing.
Relaxing puts you and the client at ease. Face it, they know you are there to sell them something, so the classic "divide and conquer" positions and authoritative postures may not be necessary. For the moment, in the opening, selling is secondary...relaxing is primary.
Relating is facilitated in an atmosphere of Relaxation. Dialogue becomes a two way street...natural, un-choreographed - using your Authentic Sales Voice. It exposes mutual interest and commonalities - chemistry/rapport. In the era of Facebook, the "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" is actually more like 2 degrees.
The world is smaller and we are closer than we have ever been and it is easier to establish the "ties that bind".
In this interplay, there will be a logical time to Release your solutions - your products. Yes, there will still be objections and clarifications of their specific needs to address, but at this stage of the process, they will gladly receive what you are offering (sharing to continue the metaphor!).
When done masterfully, the prospective client doesn't have to divulge "The Secret" through coaxing or coercion.
They will gladly express them in an open dialogue of sharing.
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

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