Monday, April 21, 2014

The Journey - EOC & SSSL

Happy Monday...EOC and SSSL?
My healthcare colleagues will immediately think EOC stands for "Evidence of Coverage" that binds the policy we just sold our clients...
My former Georgia Tech buddies will think this is one of the reasons I flunked out of college(correction I left before they could kick me out!) and that I have put one more "S" in SSL which stands for Secure Socket Layer for encrypted protection of documents and transactions on websites...hah!
Wrong again!
These two acroynms are the foundation for The Journey that we will take over the next few weeks as we seek to improve your must important product...
To Get Better at the things that matter most in your life.
Back to EOC and SSSL...
These acronyms are the foundation of life and give us a process and progression to count on...a basis on which to trust that life is not just chance and random happenstance...that we have a measure of control of how things go in our lives.
EOC stands for Evolution of Completion.
Before you conjure visions of Curious George, I am not talking the Darwin variety...
I am referring to Evolution as defined by Webster;
"The process of change, development and growth in a certain direction"
I am not the originator this concept...that belongs to Ghandi & James Allen ("As a Man Thinketh") has been used in various ways by many (including me!) and outlines the progression of life...the Evolution of Completion that outlines and defines how we ended up where are are today...
and how you will get to where we you want to be tomorrow.
Here is a graphical outline;
In essence, the Evolution of Completion says that what you think becomes your words, becomes the actions you take and habits you form.  That defines your character and drives your reputation...which ultimately is your destiny.
It defines what you will accomplish...from your sales goals to the quality of your relationships... everything in life.
We will go deeper into that progression.
What about SSSL?
It is an acronym to describe the stages of life that we go through from "cradle to grave".
Struggle to Success to Significance to Legacy.
Matters not which phase you are in right now...purpose and passion will move you along the continuum until you reach the next phase culminating in Legacy.
Throughout The Journey series, I will outline these concepts and how you can leverage them to live life at a higher level.  I have been teaching these principals since 1994 when I began my mission of "Helping Millions Achieve Success...One At A Time"
I have revised my program "You. Change. Now!" which is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book...
Shameless plug but shame on me if I don't put the tools in front of you...
Get ready to go on The Journey...
Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success!

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