Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Journey - Dire Straits!

I used to conduct financial workshops (an early Dave Ramsey) and I would ask a question...
Would you rather dig ditches every day for 10 years and at the end have $1 million dollars
or a one shot lottery ticket for $10 million?
How would you answer?
Surprisingly, the majority of people chose the lottery ticket.  Mind you, I have just taught on the power of compound interest (Albert Einstein's rule of 72 to be exact).  While the small group tried to rationalize their decision, I understand people want the easy way out...
Money for nothing.
That is why so many people are in Dire Straits.
Ok, my 80's pop culture Brothers In Arms will know the reference...the Mark Knopfler guitar riff...the Eric Clapton singing style..."I want my MTV" line in chorus...Now you remember!
Struggle is not a is a price. 
Struggle is a seed of effort that returns a harvest of success.
Every time you want to have more success, then get ready for more struggle.
That's what LeRoy faced when he had reached the highest level possible with NCR and he looked for more success.  In his words;
"On April 1, 1967, I resigned from NCR and joined ALICO Guyana to sell insurance. I understood and immediately found to be true, that there were no territorial restrictions in the insurance industry."
An amazing thing about sales...there are no income limits, no restrictions, no ceilings on what you can accomplish.
But you must be willing to struggle.
LeRoy had to struggle with a new industry, struggle with new products and struggle to establish a client base.
But he did not struggle with his confidence - he learned more about himself through his experiences that constantly reminded him that he was more than a conqueror.  Not just a conqueror, but more than...
"Through my previous experiences and the new ones, I understood and mastered the sales process. I quickly rose to be among the top producers and started a meteoric climb through Unit Manager, Agency Manager, Caribbean Agency Director and ultimately, International Agency Director."
Struggle had delivered him to the high place of success.
Struggle is not designed to punish but to provide a predictable avenue to progress. 
You have to have a big enough "WHY" something is important to you and why you will be tenacious in pursuit of your goals, dreams and aspirations.
Don't wait on Free Leads...get on the phone!
Don't expect the client to call you back...reach out today!
That presentation isn't going to type itself...turn the computer on and get busy!
I hate to burst your bubble...but there is no "Money for Nothing".
Remember that the next time you have to dig deep to accomplish something, the next time the odds are against you, the next time you feel like giving up...the next time you are in...
Dire Straits.

Until tomorrow, I wish you Money, Power, Success! 

Next Time: The Journey - New Levels of Success!
Available On Amazon!
Available on Amazon!

Allow LeRoy to conduct 20 
lunch time sessions with you in the new release Lunch with Leroy!

Read the classic sales parable
Sales Crumbs from the Master's Table...inspired by LeRoy Shuffler!


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